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The Burdoc Dancers Dance Class

Burdoc Farms and Line Dance News present The Burdoc Dancers Dance Class. The Burdoc Dancers are sending out an open invitation to everyone to join them on Tuesday evening for a fun for all Line Dance Class. 6:30p-9p; Beginners to Intermediate, no partner needed, Tennis shoes or Dance Sneakers recommended.

This class is a mix of old and new dances as well as a mix  genre of music. Yes, you will be dancing from Motown to Uptown Funk.  So get off the couch, put the garden tools away and join us on Tuesday Evenings.

Benefits of dancing:  Strengthening bones and muscles, tone your entire body, improve posture and balance, reduce stress and tension, boost memory, improve flexibility, weight loss, increase energy and increase mental capacity.  Most of all, have fun with a great group of folks out to laugh and have a great time.

Location- Keith Glen/Burdoc Farms. The facility is located at 1655 Pleasant Grove Road, Crofton KY. (Right off of 41, you can take Pennyrile Parkway to Exit 23-put Burdoc Farms Weddings & Events in GPS will take right to the location. Follow signs to Keith Glen once on property).

Watch for more news from The Burdoc Dancers..

The Stella Cabeca Story Then and Now part 29

Part 29

We toured from London north to my hometown, Blackpoool and up to Scotland. We went on a ferry from London cliffs of Dover to France. Filled up Caneith wine and came back on ferry; no sleep that night LOL. We just made it to an event exhausted. Sandy said it was best I ever taught. It was a great success down south before we went up North.

I lived in England for first 27 years of my life but never went to Scotland till I went in this tour as an American teacher. I loved Scotland and the people welcomed me with open arms. I did a guest appearance at an event, I was not booked for, it was a more famous instructor event. Hillbilly Rick, who kindly gave up his room at hotel and a slot to teach at the event.

It was fantastic but in those days; I was dressed head to toe Country Cowboy boots, Stetson, dress shirts, bolo tie, denim jeans. They had a heat wave and the venue had no Air Conditioning, i never sweated so much. we went outside dancing at one point to cool off. I taught a dance that had just come out in the states called “Got To Be Funky “. It was a hit over there long after we left,

Unfortunately, it was on this trip that George’s knee gave in and he was unable to walk. I had to leave him at my brother’s home in Blackpool when we went on with our tour in Scotland. We did go back for him though before returning to States. That was the end of George’s 2 stepping although he could walk; he opted not to have knee replacement due to his diabetes and circulation issues Myopathy that he gave up dancing.

Stay tuned for more from Stella….


The Stella Cabeca Story Then and Now part 28

Stella is back with more updates on her story..stay tune

part 28

After several years of teaching in local CW bars, clubs, community centers and Florida weekend events; I started to be invited to other events out of state. Also CW line dance was starting to take off in the U.K. They were inviting instructors and choreographers from USA to teach at events. They wanted authentic Country dances and with their own choreography.

I had choreographed some dances that had been published and with the help of my friends and business partners “Dancing Boots” we put together a U.K. Tour. We started with just a few bookings with the hope we would get more as we toured.

We had a wonderful experience and I had the pleasure of teaching 2 step in Burnley close to my home town in the North of England. My dances were very well received and after a live radio interview and newspaper splash; I was able to do several more gigs for a successful tour.

Later, I went back and did another 1 month tour independently and it was an amazing trip. My dances “All Night Long ” and “Country As A Boy Can Be ” were hits. George and I went with my friends, Sandy and Larry and Doug and Lynn. The 6 of us toured for a month. WOW!

More to come so stay tune….




Line Dance News, July 23, 2017    

Larry B is happy to announce a new Weekly International Line Dance Class starting  Tuesday, July 25, 2017 from 6:30-9PM at the Beautiful Keith Glen/Burdoc Farms. The facility is located at 1655 Pleasant Grove Road, Crofton KY. (Right off of 41, take Pennyrile Parkway to Exit 23-put Burdoc Farms Weddings & Events in GPS will take right to the location. Follow signs to Keith Glen once on property).

This class will not be your typical line dance class. The dances being taught will be choreographed to Country, Pop, Rock N Roll and Gospel. This is a class for the social dancer, open to all ages and all levels of physical endurance. The class will be geared toward the beginner and intermediate dancer, we will start with beginner level and progress to intermediate level during the class each week.

Larry B has been line dancing for 22 years and an International Line Dance Instructor for the past 16 years. He was apprenticed by World Champion line dance instructors/choreographers Jamie Marshall(TN) and John Robinson (IN). He understudied for 8 years to Stella Cabeca (FL). He is licensed by BMI/ASCAP and the American Caller’s Association.

Benefits of dancing: Strengthening bones and muscles, tone your entire body, improve posture and balance, reduce stress and tension, boost memory, improve flexibility, weight loss, increase energy and increase mental capacity.

So Join Larry B starting on Tuesday for the fun, the exercise and socialization with a great group of people. See you on the Dance Floor. For more information: linedancenews@yahoo.com


Sensual Belly Dancing – Stop Feeling Guilty

The woman who is confident, has a high self-esteem and worthiness, and has a healthy attitude about being housed in a female body which embodies womanhood is very comfortable performing and wearing a costume for her physical, mental, and emotional interpretation of her dance performance.

If you are not comfortable or feel awkward, then there is a problem understanding sensuality. There is a dance class or two which you attend weekly in hopes of becoming graceful and beautiful as this dance promises. But you are experiencing doubts. We live in a push button society receiving instant gratification. Stop! It will take time, practice, and gaining essential knowledge to accomplish sensual goals.

What is sensuality? This word describes the enjoyment of physical pleasure. There are many physical pleasures throughout the day. The aromas of breakfast cooking and coffee brewing promise a tasty meal and beverage and a contented tummy to relieve the pain of hunger. Eating is pleasurable, but why do we feel guilty for enjoying sensual sensations?

The movements performed in the art of belly dancing will bring pleasures to our body. This is a healthy form of exercise for conditioning and stretching our muscles. As we burn fat and lose weight, the body becomes more toned and pleasing to the viewer. As a personal observer we are pleased with the results. Another person viewing our success also enjoys pleasure. Aha, there’s the problem! We will admit that we enjoy doing the movements to accomplish our goals, but for some of us we feel very ill at ease when another looks at our beauty.

The onlooker sparks our self-induced feelings of guilt for experiencing personal pleasures and producing an attractive figure. An onlooker may or will experience sensuality as they admire your figure. As we correct our physical shortcomings to be more attractive and healthy, we also need to correct our faulty thinking and gain control of our mental and emotional outlook.

We will all experience pain and pleasure. No one likes pain, therefore enjoy pleasure. Sensuality is focusing on all that gives pleasure. The word “sensuality” conjures sexual meanings and it is important that we understand and have knowledge of their differences.

Every part of our body experiences sensuality. Our eyes see, our ears listen, and our mouth enjoys flavors. Our entire body experiences physical sensations which allow us to hug and kiss, walk, run, and enjoy all of our body’s living abilities and senses.

The belly dancer enjoys performing her movements to the rhythms of the music bringing pleasurable sensations to her being as well as bringing sensual pleasures to her audience.

The audiences are the onlookers experiencing sensual sensations of various pleasures for an enjoyable evening. Feeling uncomfortable with your dance movements has much to do with your knowledge, mental attitude, and emotional comfort.

Sensual feelings indicate that you are alive. Experience it to the fullest; life is short. Human beings are not robots. Everyday utilizes our six senses. All six senses are used in belly dancing movements. Dancing is life. Life is dancing.

Are you feeling uncomfortable with sensuality. Azizi and Tricia Deed can help you. Learn more by visiting the page titled “Belly Dancing – Sensual Essentials” at http://www.triciadeed.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tricia_Deed/441960

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9688632

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